AKLUG Archive
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180 Messages sorted by:
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Starting: Mon Sep 08 2003 - 15:31:52 AKDT
Ending: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 14:06:34 AKDT
- (no subject
- (no subject)
- 650 meg cdr's
- [aklug-ops] IT Expo
- [andreas@schuldei.org: Debain-Edu and Skolelinux]
- [Fwd: [aklug-ops] Friday evenings meeting.]
- [Fwd: Complimentary Invitations]
- [gpl] SmoothWall Express 2.0 beta6 "voyager" Released]
- An Apple a student for Denali Borough School District
- Announcing Slackware Linux 9.1!
- anybody in bethel?
- BYOC - Debian image
- Card Reader locks up PC
- Computers
- Debian article
- Debian KDE3
- dep mod: ***Unresolved symbols...???
- dhcp and new machines
- directory to be deleted
- err.. speaking of Slackware 9.1
- Errors stopping RP-PPPoE
- FAT32
- FTP Chroot doc
- FTP Chroot doc.gz
- FTP Chroot in the damn body of the email! SHEESH!
- Fwd: more on the SCO-IBM lawsuit (from an unlikely source)
- Fwd: Red Hat 9 pro. question
- Go Aussies
- How do you Gentoo?
- In defense of Microsoft
- installing packages and dep's in redhat?
- Internet explorer 6 on XP - ouch (Who needs DCOM?)
- Is this Live yet
- IT Expo
- IT Expo website or schedule
- keyboard dies when installing Red Hat
- kill stopped jobs
- Knoppix 3.3
- Knoppix 3.3 Released
- Knoppix CD's for German Day
- Knoppix Demonstration for UAA German Day
- Laptop 4 Sale
- laptops as servers
- laptops as servers addendum
- Let not the Versign idocracy go down with humor.
- Linksys USB adapter and Linux
- Linux In Schools (Norway)
- Looking for a good Linux printer/fax
- Lost Linux Counter Users
- Managing mail
- Mandrake 92 rc 2 locally mirrored
- more on sound in gentoo
- multiple monitor config Red Hat 9
- NATing with Iptables
- next exercise same as the first.
- OT. - 1U Rackmount 4Sale
- OT. [Fwd: [nanog-jobs] Sr. UNIX Administrator needed, Palo Alto, CA]
- Palm Network Hotsync
- Poptop (PPTP) server
- ps/2 remote socket needed
- RE Solutions
- SCO and the US Federal Trade Commission
- SCO being bombarded with internet attacks
- scsi scanner up for grabs
- SearchEnterpriseLinux.com | Truth and lies about Linux scalability
- Searching for stolen computers
- setting up mplayer on RedHat
- Shameless hardware request
- Slackware 9.1
- slow internet access
- Solution, anybody?
- Solution, anybody? - also question on solaris 7
- sound in gentoo
- Test
- The games have begun !
- The Linux Counter is ten years old! (fwd)
- thin clients/ X stations?
- Time tracking
- Time-billing software
- Torvalds writes really good letters :-)
- Updating FreeBS
- Updating FreeBSD
- usb-storage driver
- Using Linux instead of Microsoft
- We're back!
- Webserver help
Last message date: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 14:06:34 AKDT
Archived on: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 14:06:35 AKDT
180 Messages sorted by:
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: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 14:06:35 AKDT