From: Peter Q. Olsson (olsson@koyukuk.at.uaa.alaska.edu)
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 11:42:50 AKDT

Hello all-

We are having a problem with perl on our RH-9 boxen. In particular, installing
the PDL package taken from CPAN. When running "perl Makefile.PL" (a standard
thing to do when installing perl modules) we get some nonsensical errors (like
can't find pod2man, which is in /usr/bin along with "make" itself which is found
just fine) and mangled Makefiles that make rejects out of hand.

The problem is created before make is ever invoked, and evidently occurs when
perl runs on Makefile.PL. Other CPAN modules install just fine on RH-9 boxes.
And PDL installs just fine on our RH 8 boxes. Both RH-8 and RH-9 have the same
version of perl, 5.8.0-88, so it is not a different perl.

Has anyone else had similar problems and were able to overcome them? This is
such a mainstream and widely-used perl module that I would have expected it to
be bomb-proof.

   | |
   | Dr. Peter Q. Olsson, |
   | Chief Scientist, Alaska Experimental Forecast Facility |
   | University of Alaska Anchorage |
   | 2811 Merrill Field Drive |
   | Anchorage, AK 99501 |

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