Subject: Re: RE Solutions
From: Stanley Long (
Date: Wed Sep 17 2003 - 18:02:01 AKDT
Jim wrote:
> One route would be to run Doze under VMware. Advantage would be that the
> installation would run ONLY those two applicatins, and the container
> files can be easily backed up and restored if something goes wrong.
> Jim
> Subject: Solution, anybody?
> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 15:10:17 -0800
> From: "Stephen King" <>
> Hey, a very small company that wants to get away from the
> 'world according to Microsoft'. They've only got two computers in a
> peer to peer situation. Both operators are able and willing to face a
> Linux-sized learning curve. Unfortunately they're running Word Perfect
> for document creation (being a legal firm, this is a very important
> thing for them) and Timeslips for hourly tracking and billing. They're
> really hot on not wanting to lose those two apps, but neither of the
> apps seems to be supported on Linux platforms. Any ideas?
Abiword 2.0.0 release is just out. Developers use "libwpd" for
WordPerfect. See
I picked this up from the suse-linux-e list.
search for "Abiword 2.0" in September archives at
if you want the discussion.
OpenOffice probably uses libwpd, too.
> Stephen King
> ------------------------------
> End of aklug Digest V2 #208
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