Re: (no subject

Subject: Re: (no subject
From: to (
Date: Mon Sep 22 2003 - 19:47:55 AKDT

I was offered $15/Hour for that job this morning.


   -------Original Message-------
   > From: <>
   > Subject: (no subject)
   > Sent: 22 Sep 2003 17:15:02
   > anybody interested in a contract job tomorow morning? i
   > was asked but i dont think im gonna be able to make it.
   > it pays $14 hr and i was told it is expected to last
   > about 3 hours, taking down a server and setting up a
   > new one. migration to win2k i think. if interested
   > contact me off list.
   > does anybody know off the top of their head what file
   > holds the configuration for default routes in solaris
   > 7? i tried to ask this a couple days ago but i used the
   > wrong email account and i dont think it got through.
   > sorry if it did get through and this is redundant.
   >      thanks, kurt
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   -------Original Message-------

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