Subject: RE Solutions
From: Jim (
Date: Tue Sep 16 2003 - 21:21:58 AKDT
One route would be to run Doze under VMware. Advantage would be that the
installation would run ONLY those two applicatins, and the container
files can be easily backed up and restored if something goes wrong.
Subject: Solution, anybody?
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 15:10:17 -0800
From: "Stephen King" <>
Hey, a very small company that wants to get away from the
'world according to Microsoft'. They've only got two computers in a
peer to peer situation. Both operators are able and willing to face a
Linux-sized learning curve. Unfortunately they're running Word Perfect
for document creation (being a legal firm, this is a very important
thing for them) and Timeslips for hourly tracking and billing. They're
really hot on not wanting to lose those two apps, but neither of the
apps seems to be supported on Linux platforms. Any ideas?
Stephen King
End of aklug Digest V2 #208
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