Re: thin clients/ X stations?

Subject: Re: thin clients/ X stations?
From: Peter Q. Olsson (
Date: Tue Sep 23 2003 - 10:37:10 AKDT

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Hello All-

Several years ago, (back when workstation running the unices/linices were $$$$)
I worked in an environment with lots of NCD X stations.

NCD made a fine product. As I recall you had to boot over the net but that has
probably changed.

One thing though, This REALLY increases the load on the network, esp if doing
X-intensive applications. Of course, word processing or other typical office
tasks are pretty light on resource demands. So... that will probably not be a
problem, especially at 100 Mb ethernet.

>I'm starting to play with X stations and thin clients=2E Anyone know a lo=
>source for these, maybe one of the banks is surplusing out some? If I had=
>my choice I'm accumulating NCD's and Explora 451's=2E
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   | |
   | Dr. Peter Q. Olsson, |
   | Chief Scientist, Alaska Experimental Forecast Facility |
   | University of Alaska Anchorage |
   | 2811 Merrill Field Drive |
   | Anchorage, AK 99501 |

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