RE: dhcp and new machines

Subject: RE: dhcp and new machines
From: Leif Sawyer (
Date: Mon Sep 22 2003 - 11:06:02 AKDT

Mike B wrote:

> I am working on a way to notify the administrator when a new machine
> comes on to the network. One of the problems I hope to resolve is that
> when a new machine comes onto the network (most likely a guest/foreign
> machine) I can immediately get it scanned for viruses.
> I was considering using some sort of mechanism that watches the DHCP
> server, when it hands out a NEW lease (instead of a renew).
> Any ideas out there?

Well, you might try something like logwatch to follow the dhcp.leases

You might also want your program to keep a database of the mac addresses
that it discovers, so that when you see a new mac address, you can send
off the notification for the virus scan.

You didn't say what the client end mechanism is -- if it's a win32
environment, and you're connecting to a domain, then the domain startup
script should take care of that -- of course that doesn't help before
you connect to the domain.

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