Fwd: Red Hat 9 pro. question

Subject: Fwd: Red Hat 9 pro. question
From: Justin Dieters (enderak@gci.net)
Date: Mon Sep 15 2003 - 14:43:43 AKDT

Kevin - I forwarded your message to the list. Hopefully someone there can help you out better than myself. For information on how to sign up for the mailing list, please go here: http://aklug.org/mailinglist.mtml

Justin Dieters

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Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 11:21:20 -0800
From: Kevin Smith <kevinksmith@hotmail.com>
Subject: Red Hat 9 pro. question
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Hi there.
I hope I am not bothering with a question(s) that I have...:)

I installed Red Hat 9 Pro and just love it, except for one thing....
I chose to install "everything" in the setup. However, my kdevelop will not
work correctly...If I try to use the wizards to create an application I just
ger "make" or "compiler" errors.....
Has anyone else had this same problem...?
My version 2.something worked in redhat 7.2.......
This version is 3.something i think.....

Any help or a point in any direction would be of great help....

Thank you,
Kevin Smith

PS I'm experimenting with freeBSD and like it so far......

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