Subject: Re: [aklug-ops] Looking for ISP that supports Linux
From: Tom (
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 05:46:53 AKDT
> > On Sun, 7 Jul 2002 Mike Barsalou wrote:
> > Although MTA says they don't support Linux, I believe there are a few
> > people on the mailling list that are using them with Linux. I am
> > assuming since you are sending this e-mail you have some way of getting
> > access to the internet. If so, please sign up on the aklug maillist by
> > going to and follow the links for the mailling list.
> >
> > If you are still having problems. Mail me directly and I will get you started.
> James Gibson:
> a Smoothwall or ipcop box will handle it no problem.. I've also
> successfully setup a floppyfw box to talk to MTA..
> I'm interested to hear though: How is distro support for pppoe nowadays?
> I'll find out myself here in a week or so when I give my neighbor a hand
> configuring her box to work with pacbell's DSL, but I'm just curious.. is
> it on par with setting up a straight ppp session yet on most distros?
I have DSL from MTA right now. I had a spare PC to use as a firewall, so I
set up Smoothwall on it, and it ran great, with one exception. Apparently
MTA likes to randomly drop the connection someplace between the firewall
and their wiring hub, and the Smoothwall box wouldn't bring it back up
automatically - I had to go into the web interface and click "connect"
virtually every morning... I also had a Linksys router sitting here, and
it handles the drops fine.
It may just be the config in Smoothwall, but I couldn't figure it out. I
also downloaded ipcop, and will be loading that to try it out, as I'd
really rather not use the Linksys box if I can avoid it... :-)
Oh, and FTR - mis-compiling a kernel on an Alpha will *not* make you
happy. Apparently my AS800 is a "corelle" variant of the Noritake family,
yet compiling a Noritake kernel hangs on boot. As the kernel doesn't
understand 'corelle' or 'noritake-p', all you can use is generic. Anyone
have a good idea on how to fix that? (One that keeps me out of the 2.5
kernel tree, anyway <g>)
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