Subject: Re: [aklug-ops] Looking for ISP that supports Linux
From: James Gibson (
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 09:39:27 AKDT
On Mon, 8 Jul 2002, Tom wrote:
> I have DSL from MTA right now. I had a spare PC to use as a firewall, so I
> set up Smoothwall on it, and it ran great, with one exception. Apparently
> MTA likes to randomly drop the connection someplace between the firewall
> and their wiring hub, and the Smoothwall box wouldn't bring it back up
> automatically - I had to go into the web interface and click "connect"
> virtually every morning... I also had a Linksys router sitting here, and
> it handles the drops fine.
> It may just be the config in Smoothwall, but I couldn't figure it out. I
> also downloaded ipcop, and will be loading that to try it out, as I'd
> really rather not use the Linksys box if I can avoid it... :-)
IIRC there should be a 'stay connected' box and an 'auto-connect' box
that both need to be set in order to keep the connection up all the time.
It's been a while, so I'm sorry I can't tell you what pages those are on
in the interface.. Good luck, it can be done. =)
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