[aklug] Re: Linux/Unix VM's for Demonstration.

From: Jim MacDonald <jim@macdonald.org>
Date: Sun Feb 12 2012 - 18:18:09 AKST

I have actually been on there all day. But it's a case of the forest for the trees if you will. I am familiar with most of the top 10 or so distros. I asked this on here because maybe someone had a gem I hadn't thought of yet….
Let me tell you what I DO have and maybe this will narrow it down a bit.

Ubuntu 11.10
        with KDE, xfce, Enlightenment, Gnome and Unity all loaded so I can switch between UI's

Win8 (developers Preview)


Smoothwall Polar


Backtrack 5.1

Sugar (Linux variant used on OLPC)

Mint 12


Oracle Solaris 11


and I am using my MBP as a demo as well.

Darren, I would build a distro that booted from floppy if I had a floppy drive in my laptop. :)

One of the unique features of Virtual box is you can setup interfaces that just talks between the vm's, you can setup a virtual network if you will. I have actually done this on my MBP. I have setup a smooth wall firewall and made the gateway the actual laptop and then routed traffic from two other running vm's through it just to demonstrate the pack sniffing and network traffic analysis features of smooth wall.

On Feb 12, 2012, at 2:38 PM, Scott wrote:


Jim MacDonald

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