Subject: Re: list description
From: Greg Jetter (
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 20:23:19 AKST
On Monday 30 December 2002 12:03 pm, Greg Madden wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-12-30 at 11:08, Greg Jetter wrote:
> > snip>
> >
> > keep it up it's good for
> > SLUG membership everytime you and your buds start a thread like this I
> > get more members for SLUG .
> >
> > Greg
> This is another reference to conspiracies and secret handshakes and
> plain rude behavior. This is nonsense, doesn't happen, & if you need
> sensitivity training get it elsewhere.
And you are the boss right ? You get to tell everyone not be sensitive ....
would you like everyone to submit their questions to you for your aproval?
You just proved my point .....
Yes folks come right on in Linux is the operating system for you , why
Linux users go out of their way to make you feel part of the family . I've
been evanglising Linux for about 8 years now ... Every time some nitwit
decides to asert their superority complex over a new convert it sets the
movement back .... If you don't have any thing constructive to say or help
to give then say nothing. As for any dought that rude behavior does not
happen on this list one only needs to look through the archives .... As for
RTFM , I'd like to shove TFM up some of your posteriors.
The list and the AKLUG group has made tremendous progress towards promoting
the use of LINUX in Alaska over the past three years , why do you want to
sabotage the hard work the members have done by driving away new users
with such remarks as " if you need sensitivity training get it elsewhere" .
It makes you sound like an ass and defames other members of the list by
my last comments on this thread , I'll not respond again , the list and your
group can reap what it sows.
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This archive was generated by hypermail 2a23 : Mon Dec 30 2002 - 20:06:20 AKST