Subject: Re: list description
From: Justin Dieters (
Date: Sat Dec 28 2002 - 20:06:32 AKST
Umm.. I fail to see the problem.. whether a reply goes to the list, to
the person asking the question, or both is up to the replier. For
instance, I did 'Reply All' just now (Mozilla 1.2.1, done differently
with different programs) and it replies to you, and Cc's the list
Alternatively, I could've just hit reply and it would've only sent it to
you. Or again, I could've manually typed in '' as the
recipient if I just wanted to post it to the list, trusting you would
get the message on the list without sending you duplicate messages.
Anything purposely not Cc'd back to the list is probably either personal
correspondence between two members, or too deep or off-topic to warrent
cluttering up the list with.
If you are concerned about lack of replies, don't be. Replies tend to
come in waves, there's days where the list has 50 messages, and days
where it has zero. Posting tends to drop off more on the weekends when
people are out and about, and I'm sure with the Holidays most people are
doing other things as well.
Quemielle DuChesne wrote:
> Okay, the list description at says"General discussion ...". Apparently, this general discussing is taking place off-list. How is a newbie supposed to learn? Can't the settings be changed so that replies to questions posted to the list also go to the list rather than the poster?
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