Subject: Re: New to linux. Can you....
From: Justin Dieters (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 22:17:27 AKST
Hello Deneb..
1) Many games now have Linux ports - the most recent and notable being
Unreal 2003 - it has support right out of the box. Unreal Tournament,
Quake 1/2/3, and many other games will run either natively, or with
Wine. There's tons and tons of small games, like the solitares,
minesweeper, asteroids, etc etc etc.. You can always dual-boot with
Windows if being guarenteed to be able to play any game is a must-have
2) Yes.. I use sendmail with imap. I use Mozilla to read mail at home,
and I have a webmail program set up so I can check my e-mail over the
web when I'm not at home.
3) Yes, definately. OpenOffice or StarOffice can read and write Office
files with pretty good consistancy. They are just as full-featured as
MSOffice. There's also KOffice, which is really good, and a few other
office suites as well.
There certainly is a learning curve coming from Windows to Linux, but
the program quality is as good or better than Windows counterparts. The
newer distrobutions (RedHat 8.0, Mandrake 9.2, SuSE 8.1) are a breeze to
install and configure.
Hope this helps,
c m wrote:
> 1) run most games with the same or slightly more bugs then windows XP
> 2) Run your own email server(no more hotmail)
> 3) run basic office programs (able to handle things like word and excell(or
> equivlents))
> Anyway.. I curently have a friend that is running a version of linux and has
> had non stop trouble with it... is this the norm or the rareity.. I know
> that linux has a reputation for stability but that will do me no good if all
> the programs are all bugged to bit.. also it does me no good if my work is
> not transferable to others...
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