Subject: Re: New to linux. Can you....
From: Mike Mintz (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 22:15:51 AKST
Linux does have a reputation for stability, but your friend probably just=
doesn't quite know it well enough to utilize it. There are certainly less=
bugs in Linux than in Windows because of the open source nature (anyone c=
find, report, and fix bugs), but you just may have more trouble learning =
to get things to work if you are used to Windows.
> 1) run most games with the same or slightly more bugs then windows XP
No, that is not a highlight of Linux. It has been improving drastically=20
recently, but if that's very important to you, at least keep Windows arou=
and dual-boot :). Popular games have been worked on more in WINE (a Windo=
emulator) and variants, so you will have more luck with them, and games=20
written or ported specifically to Linux will run just fine (as long as yo=
might the system requirements of course). There are less games written=20
specifically for Linux than for Windows.
> 2) Run your own email server(no more hotmail)
Yeah, pretty easily, but if you don't have a 24/7 connection, you'll miss=
emails, which would definitely not be a good thing.
> 3) run basic office programs (able to handle things like word and excel=
> equivlents))
Yes, basic being the keyword. You'll be able to open most important thing=
from Microsoft Word, but when there are complex nested tables or graphs o=
something, you'll have more trouble. In addition, Microsoft Office (or Wo=
I'm not sure if it was the whole thing or not) can be run under Linux thr=
an emulator. But I'm sure you will like some of the native Linux office=20
- Mike Mintz
On Wednesday 18 December 2002 10:01 pm, c m wrote:
> 1) run most games with the same or slightly more bugs then windows XP
> 2) Run your own email server(no more hotmail)
> 3) run basic office programs (able to handle things like word and excel=
> equivlents))
> Anyway.. I curently have a friend that is running a version of linux an=
> has had non stop trouble with it... is this the norm or the rareity.. I
> know that linux has a reputation for stability but that will do me no g=
> if all the programs are all bugged to bit.. also it does me no good if =
> work is not transferable to others...
> Deneb
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