Subject: Re: Yearly message
From: Justin Dieters (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 22:24:11 AKST
Yes, I think the Expo went really well. Next time we need to plan ahead
more though, I think. :)
I know that I learn several new things every day by asking questions and
reading the list, it's really been a lifesaver some times too... I
appreciate everyone's help and words-of-wisdom.
As for the Non-Profit issue, what do we need to do to get it rolling?
> The first day of the Expo, when we had a booth inside, was very popular.
> I think in the future we should strive for an inside booth, even if it
> costs $$, and do not do the installfest in the lobby.
> On the list of things for next year I believe becoming a 501C non-profit
> will help AKLUG do more for the community & AKLUG members.
> I enjoyed this year, I learned much from the list & all the meetings.
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