Re: New to linux. Can you....

Subject: Re: New to linux. Can you....
From: Jason Jeremias (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 22:10:00 AKST

1) No, Windows Software doesn't run on Linux. You could try Wine/WineX
but chances are it won't work.
2) Yes, take your pick of smtp, pop3, & imap servers. Also lots of
great web clients available.
3) Openoffice, StarOffice, KOffice, & others all handle this task well.

Linux, like any other OS is not without its problems. The largest
problem with Linux in general is that it has a high learning curve for
new users who have come from another OS to linux. As for stability, and
security its my opinion that it is much better than the alternatives.
 The applications that run on Linux are like any other OS there are some
good and some bad. I personally find that most Apps I run in Linux are
great. But I also enjoy programming and don't shy away from digging
into code when needed, so Linux and Linux Apps appeal to me in this regard.


c m wrote:

>1) run most games with the same or slightly more bugs then windows XP
>2) Run your own email server(no more hotmail)
>3) run basic office programs (able to handle things like word and excell(or
>Anyway.. I curently have a friend that is running a version of linux and has
>had non stop trouble with it... is this the norm or the rareity.. I know
>that linux has a reputation for stability but that will do me no good if all
>the programs are all bugged to bit.. also it does me no good if my work is
>not transferable to others...
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