Subject: RE: OpenOffice 1.0.1 errors
From: Greg Madden (
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 08:54:17 AKST
On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 08:20, William F. Fulton wrote:
> Jim,
> Thiz office is the closest thing to M$ Office I've ever seen a few of
> our "users" didn't even notice the difference.
Not to pick nits, but it is Open Office so what did they do to make it
better ? :-) I would like to see it , can't make two today, how about
Friday night ?
does it come in a deb package?
-- Greg Madden Precision Air Balance, Inc. Phone: 907-276-0461 email: To unsubscribe, send email to <> with 'unsubscribe' in the message body.
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