Subject: RE: Networking
From: Leif Sawyer (
Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 11:41:52 AKST
Matthew Dunaway writes:
> [...]
> Does anybody have a triple-boot, or more, system??
I have a triple boot here at work -- Win2k, Win98, and Linux,
but for the most part I just leave it in 2k and use VMware when
I want access to the other two partitions. Faster than a reboot.
My laptop dual-boots between linux and win98, but stays mostly
in linux.
My desktop at home used to dual-boot, but I've just gotten used
to linux there as my primary desktop, and if i really need windows
for something that wine (or wine-x, or crossover-office) doesn't handle
i use my laptop or vmware..
Yeah, i love vmware. and wine too! it is possible to not need
windows for 99% of things...
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