Subject: RE: This email account protected by Knock Knock your address is being evaluated.
From: W.D.McKinney (
Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 09:08:30 AKST
It's one thing if Mike Tibor wants to set authentication list mail, but I
trust stuff like
this doesn't clog the list. This is definitely un-wanted e-mail.
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 8:27 AM
Subject: This email account protected by Knock Knock your address is
being evaluated.
My e-mail account is protected from unsolicited e-mail messages while I
evaluate the sender. If I authorize your e-mail address, you will never
receive another warning message like this. If I do not authorize your
e-mail address, any further messages you send me will be deleted before they
get to me. If you do not get a response from me, and you feel you have been
denied in error, please consider contacting me via another method to make
sure I authorize you to send me e-mail. There is no point in sending
additional e-mails as they will be ignored until you have been approved or
Thank you,
-- This email account is protected by KnockKnock. KnockKnock is a new generation of email management designed to eliminate unwanted email before downloading it to your system. To learn how you can get control of your email go to http://www.knockmail.comUsing KnockKnock you have total control over who comes in and who goes away. All automatically! KnockKnock allows you to ask Who's There, before you download.
KnockKnock is a product created by Sinbad Network Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
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This archive was generated by hypermail 2a23 : Mon Dec 16 2002 - 09:07:20 AKST