Subject: Tribes 1.x & Wine (was: RE: [aklug-ops] Trying to find something.)
Date: Tue Nov 19 2002 - 16:04:43 AKST
Has anyone ever tried to actually get a tribes server
running under wine or another emulator?
Just the other day i was setting up a linux counter-strike server.
My friend asked me if i would setup a Tribes 1.0 or 1.11 server.
I thought linux would be a great way to do it.
I was trying to run a headless / dedicated starsiege tribes server (1.0/1.11)
I Installed the tribes files (including the 1.11 patch) on a windows box.
then I copied the program directory to another windows box to test
running the game from just a copy of a directory (unsure of registry issues).
The game ran and i copied the files to the linux server, installed wine
I have tried several times to run the server like so . . .
/usr/bin/wine Tribes.exe '+exec sstl_1 -dedicated'
the program (wine) starts loading but i don't think tribes.exe gets running.
the program starts outputting errors and then clears the screen (grabbed
error text with less)
and the program crashes back to comandline.
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (54, 0x40262df0, 128): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (50, 0x40262e70, 128): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (5c, 0x402630bc, 128): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (58, 0x4026313c, 128): stub
fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x60a620,1) - no error checking or
testing yet
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\dInput.dll' : builtin
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (90, 0x40263f50, 128): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (8c, 0x40263fd0, 128): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_DC_StretchBlt (98, 0, 0, 32, 32, 9c, 0, 0, 16, 16,
13369376): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_DC_StretchBlt (98, 0, 0, 32, 32, a8, 0, 0, 16, 16,
13369376): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (a4, 0x402645b4, 128): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (94, 0x40264634, 128): stub
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\opengl32.dll' : builtin
debugging feedback:
[root@lsst ss_tribes_1_11]# wine
/usr/local/games/halflife/ss_tribes_1_11/Tribes.exe -debugmsg +loaddll | less
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\kernel32.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ADVAPI32.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\user32.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ws2_32.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WSOCK32.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COMCTL32.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\rpcrt4.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ole32.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\shlwapi.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\windows\system\shell32.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\winspool.drv' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COMDLG32.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINMM.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DSOUND.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadModule16 Loaded module 'krnl386.exe' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadModule16 Loaded module 'system' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadModule16 Loaded module 'wprocs' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadModule16 Loaded module 'GDI.EXE' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadModule16 Loaded module 'USER.EXE' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ttydrv.dll' : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadModule16 Loaded module 'display' : builtin
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (54, 0x40262df0, 128): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (50, 0x40262e70, 128): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (5c, 0x402630bc, 128): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (58, 0x4026313c, 128): stub
fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x60a620,1) - no error checking or
testing yet
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\dInput.dll' : builtin
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (90, 0x40263f50, 128): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (8c, 0x40263fd0, 128): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_DC_StretchBlt (98, 0, 0, 32, 32, 9c, 0, 0, 16, 16,
13369376): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_DC_StretchBlt (98, 0, 0, 32, 32, a8, 0, 0, 16, 16,
13369376): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (a4, 0x402645b4, 128): stub
fixme:ttydrv:TTYDRV_GetBitmapBits (94, 0x40264634, 128): stub
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loaded module
'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\opengl32.dll' : builtin
sorry for being so darn descriptive, but i saw the topic come up.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
graham / kracker brookins
At 02:11 PM 11/19/2002 -0900, Leif Sawyer wrote:
>John (and other gamers on the AkLug list..)
>There are a few of us that run games under linux.
>Currently, at home, i run mandrake 9.0
>For games, i've got: quake, quake 2, quake 3, unreal tournament/2003,
>half-life (+cstrike)
> tuxracer, and Jedi Outcast
>i'm not currently running tribes or tribes2, but i could install them.
>everything above has direct linux support, except for Halflife, Jedi and
>tribes, if i remember correctly.
>I'm currently running halflife and jedi under TransGamings 'WineX' and it's
>pretty darn solid.
>the website has an archive with everything you need for the
>linux supported games.. just click on the downloads and walk around in the
>various dirs..
>Justin Dieters is also a fellow linux gamer and aklug'r.. he may have some
>info as well.
>Also, check out these projects/pages/docs:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mike Barsalou []
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:20 PM
> > To: 'JohnH'
> > Cc: ''
> > Subject: RE: [aklug-ops] Trying to find something.
> >
> >
> >
> > John
> >
> > Thanks for the mail.
> >
> > Actually the best place is on the AKLUG maillist. There are
> > a few gamers
> > on the list and I am sure they would be happy to have someone
> > else that is
> > using Linux.
> >
> > I have forwarded this on to them.
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: JohnH []
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:18 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [aklug-ops] Trying to find something.
> >
> >
> >
> > Hey sorry I'm just looking around the website
> > trying to find
> > information on games for Linux. I installed Linux on my
> > computer for a
> > class at Charter College and took off Windows, which so far has been
> > fine, however I'm kind of missing the games like Counter-Strike and
> > WarCraft III, I've been looking around at different stores
> > around town
> > (Babbages, CompUSA, etc.) Anyway they have things like 3-D Slots and
> > stuff like that, but I'm looking for something a little
> > Getting kind of tired playin KAsteroids, etc. Well thanks in advance
> > man, hope i found the right place to ask this question, lol!
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------
> > To unsubscribe, send email to <>
> > with 'unsubscribe' in the message body.
> >
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