Subject: Re: Has anyone seen this?
From: civileme (
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 11:01:13 AKDT
On Thursday 25 July 2002 09:57 am, Mike Barsalou wrote:
> I only get the digest version so sorry if this is a repeat:
> Everyone should read this and be scared.
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In the country where I grew up, we had a document called the Constitution
which guaranteed everyone the right to
Due Process of Law
And no one was guaranteed his wildest dreams of
Unbridled Greed
But let me ask this--if they can crack someone for copying, can I crack back
for plundering? Should it not also be permitted to open the records showing
the manipulations and put orders to puff the value of stock and sell it to
retirement funds all over the country? Would it not be logical to supply
ordinary people the right to crack major corporations who are going the Enron
Yeah, let's make it a real jungle... Feh!
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