Subject: Browsers, JVM's and System Requirements
From: Mike Mellor (
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 11:27:58 AKDT
I'm taking an online course that uses a Java interface, and I have
noticed a huge difference in system usage with different browsers. I am
using the latest Blackdown JRE plugin with several browsers: Opera,
Galeon, Mozilla 1.0, and Netscape 4.7 (4.74 IIRC).
When I load a webpage with java with Netscape, it takes 20-30M of RAM to
run. The same page runs anywhere from 80-250M with any of the other
browsers, that I think are using the same plugin (all linked against the
same plugin). I understand that the JVM is multithreading (running 6-20
instances) so it really isn't using 250M, but it still runs slower than
Does this make sense? Is there another plugin available that uses less
RAM (my computer is an old 200MMX w/ 48M RAM)? Opera is usually by
browser of choice, and I'd rather use it than Netscape.
P.S. I'm sending this from my office using the Mozilla mail program, I
apologize if it gets sent as HTML.
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