Subject: Re: Has anyone seen this?
From: Buddha (
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 11:32:45 AKDT
Being the security freak that I am, my near-term concern is how hard would
it be for someone to crack the protocol used and make their own
Someone pisses you off in IRC chat or you get passed over for promotion At
Acme Corp. and now you want to 'Stick it to The Man'. Just download 'The
Disabler' and with one keystroke, knock your enemy or half you company's
machines offline.
I don't think the DoD will allow anything like this on their networks
either. EvilCountryA could send a preemtive strike to all the DoD
netblocks using 'The Disabler' and we would be SOL.
My $.02
> I only get the digest version so sorry if this is a repeat:
> Everyone should read this and be scared.
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