Re: Profanity on the List

Subject: Re: Profanity on the List
From: Greg Jetter (
Date: Fri Dec 28 2001 - 16:01:28 AKST

On Friday 28 December 2001 02:38 pm, Dave Loutrel (ACME) wrote:
> As I read through Mike Tibor's Censorship Advisory I realized that I was
> the likely target. As a commercial fisherman and system administrator, I
> acknowledge my propensity for profanity and attempted to tone down my
> comments in my most recent post. The language I used was certainly more
> tame than that which spews forth upon my noticing that some script kiddie
> is attempting to bring down one of my servers.
> In an effort to insure my continued enjoyment of this list, I would greatly
> appreciate the Censor posting a list of words deemed to be profanity on a
> FAQ page, so that I don't run afoul of some unknown sensitivities.
> David Loutrel
> Operations Manager,
> ACME Enterprises Hosting & Design
> Remember - if all you have is an axe, every problem looks like hours of
> fun.
I didn't know what mike was talking about till I re-read your post. As a 20
year Army Vet it didn't even strike me as profanity , but if folks are
offended I guess you got to tow the party line... as you say it would be nice
if profanity was defined so we all would know what words are too evil to be
written . I could see if you were calling others names , how someone would be
offended .But the use of swear words in the contex you used them seemed
approprate to illistrate your emotional state .

If you get kicked off , join our valley group we dont care how much you cuss
just as long as you use linux


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