RE: Profanity on the List

Subject: RE: Profanity on the List
From: Leif Sawyer (
Date: Fri Dec 28 2001 - 15:37:48 AKST

Dave Loutrel writes:
> In an effort to insure my continued enjoyment of this list, I
> would greatly appreciate the Censor posting a list of words
> deemed to be profanity on a FAQ page, so that I don't run
> afoul of some unknown sensitivities.

Heck, i'd take that stuff as sarcasm, because I'm sure you're smart
enough to know whats appropriate in a public list where the ages range
from late-60s (and older) to 14 (and younger.)

But just in case I'm way off base in my evaluation of your troll-bait,
pretty much anything that you wouldn't say while standing in front
of an auditorium full of elementary students is off limits here.

We shouldn't need to point out George Carlin's "7 dirty words" as the
be-all-end-all of profane and obtuse.

Heck, i'm an actor. Nothing is profane to me. But at least I can act
civil and keep my language professional.

Mike? Anything else you want to add to this for the sophomores out there?

Leif "(*@#( *@#(^^ #* &@#$" Sawyer

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