Subject: Re: installing gnucash with apt-get
From: Greg Jetter (
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 19:55:53 AKST
On Monday 30 December 2002 09:38 am, Damien Hull wrote:
> I broke my box a few days ago and had to reinstall everything. The only
> thing left to install is gnucash. I had it installed before but for some
> reason "apt-get install gnucash" doesn't work. All I get out of it is
> dependency problems.
> There seems to be a file that is apart of another binary that is all
> ready installed. When installing gnucash apt-get tries to over write the
> file. For some reason it can't and apt is unable to install gnucash
> because it was unable to install all of the dependencies.
> If anyone knows how to fix this problem let me know. I would like to use
> gnucash.
> I'm going to try and compile gnucash from scratch to see if that works.
> Looks like it's going to be a long night of compiling and installing
> dependency after dependency. What fun!
try installing an rpm instead , derbain should have a utility that will do
rpms or just install the rpm program .... should get you the binary that
way ... t
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