Subject: Re: Threating letter from Phillips electronics
From: Greg Madden (
Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 19:38:25 AKST
On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 18:32, Greg Jetter wrote:
> Hey , just thought I would ask and see if any other IT companies received
> a letter from Phillips like I did today , in their letter they threating to
> go after my company if I use any CD-R or DVD media that has not paid them a
> royalty payment. They go on to list 19 company's that pay them , I'm
> supposed to nark out any one who dares to sell my company any amount of
> CD's be they blank or pre recorded unless I know for sure they have paid
> Phillips their royalty payment...
> I don't know about you but it kind of pisses me off getting threating mail
> form some dumb ass off shore company , it was bad enough when Microsoft sent
> me their nasty gram last year threatening to cut of my jewels if I didn't
> bring my licensing current before such and such a date...
> Whats wrong with these multi billion dollar companies , are we all just
> open wallets for them to harvest when ever they get the notion ?
> Greg
Reported in an issue of Network World;
"The signup deadline for Microsoft's License 6 recurring fee licensing
scheme was back in July. Microsoft netted slightly over $6 billion US
in license fees during the third quarter 2002 - without selling one line
of code - this license merely gives you the *right* to upgrade your
software in the future at discount prices."
-- Greg Madden Precision Air Balance, Inc. Phone: 907-276-0461 email: To unsubscribe, send email to <> with 'unsubscribe' in the message body.
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