Subject: SSH
From: Brian ThunderEagle (
Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 06:56:07 AKST
I am losing my mind, I can not find *any* good ssh documentation online. Here
is what I want to know:
* How do I add users to SSH:
I can log in to SSH with root, but nobody else.
* How do I create chrooted logons:
I have installed SSH2, with the --enable-static. This is supposed to allow
me to use chrooted environments for users that login. But considering I can't
get anyone but root to login this is hopeless. However I tried it with the root
user, and it didn't work. Anybody have any experience with 'ssh-chrootmgr' and
how to restrict SSH users to their $HOME directory?
Brian ThunderEagle
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