Subject: Re: HD is out of space and still going
From: Damien Hull (
Date: Wed Dec 04 2002 - 11:59:16 AKST
And here I thought I had crossed over to
(insert eerie music here)
The Twilight Zone.
On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 14:35, James Zuelow wrote:
> >If you think -5.8 is strang it got down to -58 or so. I have no idea
> where
> >the extra drive space is coming from or where FreeBSD is storing it.
> >Does anybody know what this is all about?
> It is "super user" space. Typically around 5% (on a Linux ext2 system)
> is reserved for root so that a normal user can't use up ALL of the space
> on a partition. However root or any process running as root still can.
> I believe this is typical of most *nix file systems, including
> FreeBSD's. (FreeBSD uses ffs or ufs?)
> If a partition is X MB, a normal user will see .95X MB as being
> available. If the disk is .97X used, the available space goes negative.
> Don't know about FreeBSD, but you can change the amount of reserved
> space on a Linux ext2 partition by using `mke2fs -m Y` where Y is the
> percentage you want reserved.
> Cheers,
> James
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