Subject: Re: HD is out of space and still going
From: James Zuelow (
Date: Tue Dec 03 2002 - 14:35:26 AKST
>If you think -5.8 is strang it got down to -58 or so. I have no idea
>the extra drive space is coming from or where FreeBSD is storing it.
>Does anybody know what this is all about?
It is "super user" space. Typically around 5% (on a Linux ext2 system)
is reserved for root so that a normal user can't use up ALL of the space
on a partition. However root or any process running as root still can.
I believe this is typical of most *nix file systems, including
FreeBSD's. (FreeBSD uses ffs or ufs?)
If a partition is X MB, a normal user will see .95X MB as being
available. If the disk is .97X used, the available space goes negative.
Don't know about FreeBSD, but you can change the amount of reserved
space on a Linux ext2 partition by using `mke2fs -m Y` where Y is the
percentage you want reserved.
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