Subject: Re: CD ROM Burners and more
From: William Bouterse (
Date: Wed Dec 04 2002 - 09:39:12 AKST
As a Mandrake user since 6.0
I have had no cd-burner trouble since before Mandrake 7.2
a couple years ago...As all the releases have it setup
by default....Even the usb r/w...
The present dvd/cdrw worked out of the box so
I had actually forgotten about the early troubles
a few years ago.....
My pertinent lilo shows;
append="devfs=mount hdb=ide-scsi"
Is this a Debian feature or do other distros require
manual configuration!!??
I am NOT trying to get into a what distro is better war
merely asking "is this the norm" use in reference
discussions with prospective Linux users, as relatively
"brainless" cd-burning is one of the "musts" with most....
After showing them what gcombust,xcdroast, and a non-crippled xine
and dvdrip can do, they take an interest.......
William Bouterse
Talkeetna Ak
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