Re: More Mandrake Please

Subject: Re: More Mandrake Please
From: Adam Elkins (
Date: Sun Nov 10 2002 - 00:11:53 AKST

    George, just my opinion on the 'give away'. My answer is yes. I say t=
in light of this; If I were not to familiar with linux, had not used it, =
thought about it, and for example did not have the bandwidth or a cd-r, i=
someone were to ask me if I would like a copy of 'distroX', I would be mu=
more willing to accept if it were free. Even a dollar seems funny for=20
something thats free. Also, if the cds given to me were nicely put togeth=
as opposed to a blank cd labled with a sharpe. If the lable had 'AKLUG' o=
it, I would also feel more welcome to whatever (local shindigs, open sour=
I also agree with your distro of choice for this, Mandrake. I started out=
drake. It lets you know what linux can do without many of he hassles. I=20
prefer Slack now, but giving a newbie slack leaves them thinking 'Linux i=
lame, my dvd drive doenst work, and in goes the windoze disc....Anyway, j=
me 2 cents....



On Saturday 09 November 2002 20:59, Fielder George Dowding wrote: > Greetings all, I again have a need for the three cd set of the > Mandrake distribution we gave away at IT Expo. The last set I gave > away (a week or two after the Expo) was prepared by Justin Dieters. > The whole set had labels that were very nicely done -- professional! > -- and the set was in a paper cd envelope -- no excess packaging > materials. So, Justin, if you or someone else has a set, I have a > "customer". > > I do have blank cd's (so Justin, I owe you a set). The big deal is > the label. The question to the aklug'ers is, "Do we continue to > support this give away?" The label put AKLUG out there amongst the > computer literates. My area of support seems to be sales, not > production or financing. > > By the by, I am not ignoring the other distributions, Mandrake just > happened to be the distribution of choice in these two instances. > > Cheerio! fgd.

--=20 g0t_slack?

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