Subject: Re: Java VM
From: Neil Moomey (
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 17:05:14 AKDT
I installed the J2SE1.4 SDK last night on RH 7.3 and the setup did not
append the PATH variable. (I'm going off memory now so there might be
typo) I added the path to the java bin directory in my /etc/.profiles
just above the EXPORT line, rebooted, and everything works great. You
can test for an SDK install by typing javac. It will display the usage
info. Without the PATH variable set you would have to
type /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0_01/bin/javac. PATH just makes it easier to
use. Same with java, javadoc, jartool etc. I suppose Sun could have
put it in the /usr/bin directory and we wouldn't have this problem.
Sun doesn't get good marks for ease of installation.
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