Re: Java VM

Subject: Re: Java VM
Date: Fri Jul 12 2002 - 01:55:36 AKDT

On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 05:05:14PM -0800, Neil Moomey <> wrote:
> I installed the J2SE1.4 SDK last night on RH 7.3 and the setup did not
> append the PATH variable. (I'm going off memory now so there might be
> typo) I added the path to the java bin directory in my /etc/.profiles
> using
> PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0_01/bin
> just above the EXPORT line, rebooted, and everything works great.

Note, rebooting is not necessary at all. That's one of the
advantages of *NIX OSes over the effluence from Redmond. The
command you need to make the change for the current session is
simply the one you used above. Type it at the prompt, and the
change is made. You'll probably want to 'export PATH' after that,
or, if you have bash, just 'export PATH=...'i in one command. No
further effort required.

Bryan Medsker

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