Subject: Re: Kernel compiling and options
From: James Zuelow (
Date: Sat Jul 06 2002 - 20:23:49 AKDT
On 06 Jul 2002 17:21:08 -0800
"thomson" <> wrote:
> Any reason not to use 'make oldconfig'?
If you are using the same kernel version, then no. But even minor point releases (2.4.17 to 2.4.18) can change things so you should at least take a look before you use oldconfig. Sometimes the changes aren't even apparent to the casual user. For example, the Sony CDU-31a CD driver no longer autoprobes, but it used to. From an x-config or menu-config the module option looks identical - the difference is explained in the help section. I did a kernel upgrade and my CD stopped working, and it took a little digging to find out why.
(Yeah, I know I'm probably the only person on the planet that still uses a CDU-31. My firewall is a Compaq Prolinea 4/33s.)
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