Subject: Re: Kernel compiling and options
From: Mike Tibor (
Date: Sun Jul 07 2002 - 00:42:43 AKDT
On 6 Jul 2002, thomson wrote:
> Any reason not to use 'make oldconfig'?
I was curious why I hadn't seen mention of that yet. I use it all the
time whenever I patch the kernel on both my Alphas. For example:
cd /usr/src/linux-2.2.18
gzcat ../patch-2.2.19.gz|patch -p1
bzcat ../pre-patch-2.2.20-9.bz2|patch -p1
make clean ; make oldconfig
make dep ; make clean
make modules ; make bzImage
make modules_install
A couple of notes:
1. "make oldconfig" effectively 'imports' the configuration
from your old kernel after you patch (assuming the same
directory tree, of course). Note that in the above
example I patched twice. Give it a shot--you can always
rm -rf the entire tree if you want to afterwards.
2. The first "make clean" is probably not necessary, but it
won't hurt anything.
3. I make modules before the kernel itself because most
build failures tend to be when building the modules.
-- Mike Tibor Univ. of Alaska Anchorage (907) 786-1001 voice Network Technician Consortium Library (907) 786-6050 fax for PGP public key--------- To unsubscribe, send email to <> with 'unsubscribe' in the message body.
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