Subject: Re: vi
From: Dominic Bernardo (
Date: Sat Jul 06 2002 - 19:59:06 AKDT
This is a multiple reply for Adam (vi -- includes
cameo comment for Eric Fortner about sed -- & report)
and Justin (rename link & computer parts).
OK, I'm lazy.
Adam Elkins wrote:
> Ok....I HATE VI! Nothing ever seems to work the same way twice for me....I'm simply trying to edit a config file.....I hit 'insert' and usually, hitting delete get rid of, it just beeps at me. Why? 'insert'
> What removes text?
Remember that the PROGRAMMERS who created
vi & emacs wanted editors that would allow them
to keep their fingers on the keys. There is
a basic version of vi that works everywhere.
I think this is used when you do a "set -o vi"
in a terminal window to make corrections.
I used an AIX version that mapped the arrow keys
for a normal vi session, but did not for terminal
use. This confused me at first, and I still have
to think about things when I use the keys.
O'Reilly has an excellent book, but
there are other basic tutorials on line. Since
I am on NT at work and only use UNIX occasionally,
I am waiting to be "deprogrammed" from my
previous habits before starting again at home.
Which brings me to my side comment for Eric.
Vi incorporates the "ed" editor which is sort of
a line version of "sed". It is very boring, for
most people, to master this, but it will help in
the long run to manipulate regular expressions.
Here are some links for vi:
Vi Editor Faq
Unix is a four letter word and vi is a two letter ...
Vi Tutorial:Table of Contents
I've never used this, but I like the name...
VILE Text Editor
I will share the links I found Friday on reports:
... and the link it contains ...
... and the winner is ...
here is a link for renaming large amounts of stuff:
This is from --
CEE UCL Helpdesk
You may find some interesting product information
from Los Alamos Computers. They are expensive,
but it's free to see what parts they use in
their configurations.
Los Alamos Computers: GNU/Linux workstations
That's All Folks,
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