Re: reviving old computers

Subject: Re: reviving old computers
From: Michael Gillson (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 08:23:40 AKDT

Just because someone claims something in writing does NOT make it legal.
 These words are more of Microsoft's intimidation tactics.
I do not see Microsoft bring any one into court. I think Microsoft
knows that they would lose such a case.

I see ads by both Ford and GM recommending the benefits of using on
Ford or GM certified replacement parts. Never do these car
companies say that legally I could never use any non-certified part.

Microsoft knows many a bureaucrat that would be in a position to accept
older PC's can be easily intimidated by these scare tactics.

>>> James McMorris <> 05/01/02 09:04PM >>>

What a bunch of bunk. I skimmed the article and read this Microsoft
page referenced in the article.

The following word jumped out at me: "Recommended"

According to the MS page, "It is a legal requirement that pre-installed

operating systems remain with a machine for the life of the machine."

Yet further down the page it says this: "Microsoft RECOMMENDS that
educational institutions only accept computer donations that are
accompanied by proper operating system documentation. If the donor
cannot provide this documentation, it is RECOMMENDED that you decline
the donated PC(s)."

Recommend doesn't sound mandatory to me.

Being in the Air Force, and having to follow technical orders and
flight manuals, the word "recommend" jumps out to me a non-compulsory.

(We'd LIKE you to.) We use the words "shall" or "will" on mandatory
items and the words "may" or "should" when it's recommended, but not

If the statement had read: "Microsoft REMINDS educational institutions

THAT THEY SHALL only accept computer donations that are accompanied by

proper operating system documentation. If the donor cannot provide this

documentation, THEY MUST LEGALLY decline the donated PC(s)."

I hate reading legal documentation.

----- Original Message -----
From: Dominic Bernardo <>
Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2002 8:26 pm
Subject: Re: reviving old computers

> Since I'm not a lawyer, I can't comment on the
> accuracy of this article that appeared today:
> ~Dom

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