reviving old computers

Subject: reviving old computers
From: Mike Barsalou (
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 12:53:34 AKDT

I have done some of this myself...with mixed results.

For example, I approached someone that didn't have a computer with the idea
that I would give them a machine would be able to access e-mail. Initially
they were excited. Then we discussed, because the machine was old and
underpowered, that you would be using a text based mail reader.

Right away the excitement left...they said that they wanted to be able to
get/send pictures with their friends as well as browse the internet.

Now with a 56k modem X doesn't have to be terribly fast, but there is a
lower limit...anyone know what it is?

At one point I was able to setup a very minimal X with netscape as the
browser. It ran reasonably well...probably could have used some more

Why don't we try and come up with a good "standard" for the type of machine
that would be acceptable to someone who doesn't have one?

At that point we can address the issues of maintenance and upkeep.


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