* Christopher Howard <ch.howard@zoho.com> [150217 09:38]:
> From my job search efforts in Fairbanks, I've got the
> impression that most small business owners have never even heard of
> it. But maybe things are different in Anchorage.
I would guess that most small business owners have *not* heard of
linux, but a significant number have. I have had discussions with
some business owners (and some of those are not that small) about
switch to linux. I've been frank about the overhead, learning
curve and lack of industry-specific apps.
Microsoft has ruled the roost in part by their business
applications. Also, I know that at least at one time, Microsoft
owned a piece of Apple. Might there have been an arrangement
whereby Apple treaded lightly in the business application area?
Inquiring minds want to know ...
I do believe that there is a possibility for someone to carve a
place for themselves by customizing Open Office and making it a
shallow learning curve.
It's really all about the bottom line in terms of what the cost
benefits would be for a small business to make the switch and have
the industry specific software that they are already familiar
ported to linux.
It'll never happen -- not in my lifetime, but maybe Chris's --
-- Tim tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com http://www.akwebsoft.com, http://www.tj49.com --------- To unsubscribe, send email to <aklug-request@aklug.org> with 'unsubscribe' in the message body.Received on Tue Feb 17 18:40:02 2015
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