[aklug] Re: Putting Linux on a resume for an entry level job

From: Tim Johnson <tim@akwebsoft.com>
Date: Tue May 10 2011 - 10:58:07 AKDT

* Tim Gibney <timgibney76@gmail.com> [110510 10:37]:
> Professionally, I have supported mostly Microsoft based desktops and
> servers. I moved out of Alaska this past month and discovered many small
> I.T. shops where I live want Linux experience as they use PcLinuxOS because
> it has support as Windows Server is expensive and error prone. My experience
> with Linux is mostly at home as a hobbiest OS to learn PHP, Java, and use
> the free gcc tools to learn C++ over the years. I have been using Linux for
> 10 years and have learned how the system works, how to compile programs,
> etc.
> My question is, how do I put this on my resume? I do not even have it on
> there as I figured this would be mostly useful to the bearded Unix admins. I
> need to show I know how to setup a Linux OS to replace a Windows Server
> installation. Is there a way to do this while being honest with my lack of
> using it professional at work?
  When you write a resume, re-reading should make you blush, but not
  feel guilty. Nothing wrong with exaggerating, as long as you don't
  out-and-out *lie* and can deliver what you speak of.
  I would stress both my professional and avocational experience
  and draw parallels between them. I'm speaking as a programmer
  myself, but I have to say that the potential employer/client who
  is looking for a network tech or sysadmin is more interested in
  your system experience as opposed to coding. Having said that, in
  the linux environment I believe that most sysadmins would have
  experience with shell scripting.

  Time for Royce, Arthur, et. al. to take the podium.

tim at johnsons-web dot com or akwebsoft dot com
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