Of dreams in the sky and pieces on the ground...

From: Bob Crowe <forge@mtaonline.net>
Date: Sat Oct 15 2005 - 22:02:27 AKDT

 I tried to cruise some forums and use Google for my problem but to no
avail. I am currently using FC3 and I had this exact same problem with
Suse 9.3. I'm able to repartition and format a Maxtor One Touch 160 GB
USB external hard drive. I have read capability but no write through my
user. I can write only as root. I am using this drive as a secondary
drive for backup purposes only and it is formatted in EXT3 (my version
of FC3 didn't have Reiserfs in the mk directory, I'm willing to deal
with the file integrity check every 30 mounts.) Anyone know what's going
on and have a solution? Again that last meeting was the bomb, it's good
to be around others as crazy as yourself. ;) Take care, Bob.

p.s. I fall under the Newb category
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