Re: debian apache perl help

Subject: Re: debian apache perl help
From: Michael Fowler (
Date: Sun Jun 15 2003 - 01:56:49 AKDT

On Sat, Jun 14, 2003 at 06:15:27PM -0800, Andy Firman wrote:
> But now I think I am having perl problems as my
> apache-perl error log shows this:
> [Sat Jun 14 17:56:33 2003] [error] Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl
> /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5
> /usr/lib/perl/5.8.0 /usr/share/perl/5.8.0 /usr/local/lib/site_perl . /etc/apache/
> /etc/apache/lib/perl) at Metadot/Utils/ line 31.

This means you need the Template Toolkit installed. Fire up the CPAN shell
as root:

> perl -MCPAN -e shell

It'll likely ask you some questions. Once you've answered them, type at the

cpan> install Template

(">" and "cpan>" are the prompts, don't type those.)

Metadot should include documentation that mentions the modules it requires.
Install them with the same method. perldoc CPAN will give you documentation
on the CPAN shell, and typing "?" at the prompt will give you a quick list
of commands.

> Googling around says maybe go to perl-5.6.
> Tried installing that with 5.8 installed but no dice.
> Then tried to remove perl-base but that is a big no-no.

Based on the problem you've described so far you shouldn't need to downgrade
Perl. You're only missing some modules.

> The one thing that "may" be my that a month ago I used
> unstable in my sources.list in order to upgrade to KDE 3.1.2
> (which is amazingly cool by the way)
> and I used aptitude to do the job. Welp, aptitude upgraded my
> entire system to unstable. Not what I intended and I was supposed
> to "hold" all the packages marked for upgrade. (except for KDE of course)
> I have since downgraded back to the testing version.
> The point is that I am not totally sure what is going on under the hood
> with my system.

Yes, I noticed your versions; Debian stable is still at Perl 5.6.1. Debian
testing might be stable enough for your needs, but I tend to keep my
production boxes on Debian stable. However, downgrading would likely be a
difficult process, so you'd have to seriously weigh the costs and benefits.

It's not surprising aptitude upgraded your entire system; KDE probably
depended on a newer libc (not necessarily for any good reason, it's just
that packages depend on the libc for the system they were compiled on), and
upgrading libc caused everything else to get upgraded.


Programmer, System Administrator

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