MTA and Friends for the domainless

Subject: MTA and Friends for the domainless
From: Fielder George Dowding (
Date: Thu May 15 2003 - 12:13:41 AKDT

Greetings all,

There was much discussion of MTA's recently. I had been trying to
get qmail configured, but found "Living With qmail" helpful but not
what I could use to configure _MY_ system in _MY_ situation. I
suspect there are other members of aklug that are in situations
similar to mine who would also benefit from a properly configured
_LOCAL_ dns/mta system.

To wit: I have several POP3 accounts out there in cyberspace which I
can retrieve with any ol' email client or fetchmail. I have a test
set up for fetchmail on two POP3 accounts, but I have not been able
to configure exim, postfix, or qmail to make the local delivery.

Please do not, repeat NOT, suggest alternatives to getting email.
This is the way I want to do it. I want a single point of
configuration, i.e.: fetchmail, and a single local delivery
mechanism. I am applying this to my home system, but it is basically
a test bed for Mabel T. Caverly Senior Center and any other clients
I may acquire in the future at the John Thomas Building (325 E 3rd

So, the big problem I am having is configuring an MTA to do the SMTP
thing with various domains out there in cyberspace and not reveal my
local host and fake (bogus) domain in the headers. I have had
embarrasing success with qmail. I don't want to polute cyberspace
with bogus addresses anymore.

I know deep in my Unice Heart that this can be done. Has anyone on
this list done this?

If this is too much noise on this list we can keep it private. Thank
you in advance. fgd. kl7fhx

Fielder George Dowding, Chief Iceworm
dba Iceworm Enterprises, Anchorage, Alaska
Since 1976 - Over 25 Years of Service.

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