Re: 0 byte files removing

Subject: Re: 0 byte files removing
From: Tim Johnson (
Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 14:59:36 AKST

* <> [030108 11:29]:
> Is there a simple way to remove a directory full of 0 byte files? I have a
> directory that has some files I would like to keep that have file sizes
> but there are others that have no size in the same directory and I would
> like to remove them all at the same time rather than doing it one at a
> time.

Hi Jon:
    As Justin suggested, MC is a good way to go, and
    a good piece of software to know about.

    So: Using MC -
    If you have logged the directory with the left panel,
      pick "left" from the drop-down menu.
      pick "right" from the drop-down menu

    Then pick "Sort Order"
      then check "Size" (spacebar or Mouse click should do that)
        and check reverse to put the smallest files at the top
        of display.
      and chose "OK"

      Then you can scroll through files and delete (standard
      config is the "F8" key). You can tag or untag a file
      with "CTRL-T"

  Bye the way. There is a file manager called Krusader that
  I'm acquainted myself with. It's kind if a x-style MC.


Tim Johnson <>

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