Subject: Re: list description
From: Jim Gribbin (
Date: Sun Dec 29 2002 - 13:57:35 AKST
It might also be worth noting that some email clients (Evolution) have a
'reply to list' option. The replier has to choose to use it though.
Makes it all up to the replier whither the discussion stays on the list
or not.
Jim Gribbin
On Sat, 2002-12-28 at 23:52, Justin Dieters wrote:
> The list has zero to do with it. All the list does is forward messages
> it receives to everyone on the list. Any Replying, Cc'ing, etc is
> handled by the users and the e-mail program they use - NOT the list.
> If you don't want to do reply-all, then type in your addresses yourself
> or use an address book. All easy solutions. The list is not a message
> board and it does not operate like a message board. If you don't have
> time or patience to cut-and-paste or type an e-mail address as a
> solution to your problem, then quite frankly, Linux is probably not the
> OS of choice for you.
> As for 'oldbies' vs. 'newbies', there is a very good reason why RTFM and
> STFW are popular expressions. Most 'newbie' questions have been
> answered many many times, and solutions are posted all over the web, and
> even though we are a smallish group, you can search all the past
> messages sent to the list - there have been quite a lot of questions
> asked and answered, I personally have over 2400 messages in my 'AKLUG'
> folder, and that's just 4 months worth of mail.
> Before this turns into some big flame war, I would recommend reading the
> preface of the Smoothwall FAQ - it contains some very insightful
> observations that anyone who posts to a Linux list/board/chat room
> should take to heart. It's only 20 short (i.e. large font) pages - it
> will only take all of 5 or 10 minutes to read.
> You can find it at
> Regards,
> Justin
> Quemielle DuChesne wrote:
> > The music discussion. Matt says he's gotten about 20 emails, either initial
> > replies or subsequent discussion. The settings for the list take the
> > 'reply' directly to the poster unless 'reply-all' is used. I personally
> > don't care to get two copies of everything and assume most people don't, so
> > pushing 'reply-all' is a repugnant choice. Since most have precious little
> > time to do even minor fiddling, rather than type the group's addy in and
> > fiddle with the subject line, most push the plain 'reply'.
> ---------
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