Subject: Re: list description
From: Greg Madden (
Date: Sat Dec 28 2002 - 23:00:06 AKST
On Sat, 2002-12-28 at 20:39, Quemielle DuChesne wrote:
> Well, okay. You all obviously have it 'down' just as you like it. I
> certainly understand the desire of oldbies not to want to go over the same
> old stuff over and over. No problemo, amigos. There are plenty of lists out
> there.
There is no 'you all' even though some members know each other
personally, Alaska is a small town after all. No one is telling anyone
how to use this list, except there are some language concerns that,
while not spelled out, will be enforced by the list master, this is a
family list after all.
I think it is a good practice to keep replies to the list & on topic.
This ensures that there will be a comprehensive & cohesive archive of
asked & answered questions that can be searched first for the often
asked or thought of questions.
-- Greg Madden Precision Air Balance, Inc. Phone: 907-276-0461 email: To unsubscribe, send email to <> with 'unsubscribe' in the message body.
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