Subject: Re: modem-mandrake
From: Matthew Dunaway (
Date: Fri Dec 27 2002 - 14:29:02 AKST
Thanks Jim. I'll print this and try it. I just re-installed SuSE, so I'll
have to remove it and re-install Mandrake to see if this works. I guess I
shouldn't have given up so easily. :-[
Jim Gribbin wrote:
To find out if Mandrake is seeing the modem, type 'cat /proc/pci' at a
terminal prompt. If you see something in the output about the modem then the
rpm you're looking at should help the application see the modem. after
downloading the application, su to root, type rpm -i
LNUX_3ComMdm-1.0-1.i386.rpm to install, then run 3ComMdm It should setup the
modem where the dialer application can now find it. If this doesn't work,
write back and let us know the problems and someone will try to help work it
out. Jim Gribbin On Fri, 2002-12-27 at 02:44, Quemielle DuChesne wrote: Hi.
My hubby (Matthew Dunaway) spent Christmas day pulling his hair out with
Mandrake 9.0 after spending 200 bucks for 2 US Robotics modems # usr5610b.
Onthe box it says "Minimum system requirements: Linux (kernel 2.3 and
higher). Mandrake 9.0 is not 'seeing' this modem. On US Robotics' site is a
trouble page for this particular modem,[1] with a fix for
RedHat. I don't know what this is. It says the fix 'should' work on other
distros. Could this solve my problem (yes, I've inherited the problem from
Matt and feel honor-bound to solve it)? --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus
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