Subject: RE:
From: Jan Zumwalt (
Date: Wed Dec 25 2002 - 05:37:25 AKST
There was an article on the subject in the now defunct "Maximum Linux"
publication. Basically, the article pointed out that it is unwise for
anybody to pay the money for a TV recorder when Linux can do it with a Intel
486 box and 10gb hard drive. They pointed readers to a web site that some
guy was using to collect all the software and instructions to do it.
He is being sued by Hollywood, but it is viewed as a stall tactic and he
does not take it seriously. Sadly, I do not have the web site address to
pass on to you.
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
jennifer gross and jeremy shull
Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 4:38 PM
Hi guys
Just wonder has any one ever done video capture in linux
and if so how well does it work
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